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Everything you need to know

Find spaces for ideas & vision has created an intuitive platform that connects property owners & managers with businesses that are looking for space to promote their products & services. The platform helps you list multiple properties & spaces, connect with the leading bands & retailers & convert vacant & underutilised space into untapped revenue. Listing spaces on is free & every booking application received can be reviewed & vetted for suitability before accepting the booking. You only pay once you approve a booking.

Plan, Search, Book – Anywhere, Anytime

Plan, Search, Book –

Anywhere, Anytime

Whether you need a small office, a meeting room, or a venue for an event, our platform is designed to help small businesses like yours find and rent the ideal space. With our user-friendly interface, you can easily search for available spaces, compare prices, and book online, saving you time and hassle. Take your business to the next level with the right space—book yours today!

Whether you need a small office, a meeting room, or a venue for an event, our platform is designed to help small businesses like yours find and rent the ideal space. With our user-friendly interface, you can easily search for available spaces, compare prices, and book online, saving you time and hassle. Take your business to the next level with the right space—book yours today!

Industry leaders

Industry leaders

Unlock unparalleled exposure for your venue by listing on With our platform, your space gains visibility to a diverse array of businesses eager to forge meaningful connections and craft engaging experiences. Join our network to showcase your venue to thousands of potential partners, ranging from industry-leading brands to burgeoning startups, and seize new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Why book with

Why book with

Features for bookers

The tech-enabled process is fast and easy


venues to choose from


different spaces to create memorable experiences


successful space activation transactions per year